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Students Handbook

This section will provide students with more information about the fair, the registration process and the competition. Additional sections listed at the end provide details about things such as research plans and using artificial intelligence. 

Please read this page BEFORE you start your project. 

This handbook is a work in progress. Please send any questions, comments, etc. to the webmaster. 

What's Involved

The fair events are designed to provide students with a way to highlight their projects. You will need to register your project on this website to compete in the fair. The overall steps include:

  • Decide on a project and write a DETAILED research plan BEFORE you start your project
  • Determine what ISEF forms are required using the Rules Wizard
  • Download and fill in the necessary ISEF forms (portions need to be completed after the project is completed)
  • Precertification (optional) - you may have your project proposal reviewed by the safety review committee (SRC) PRIOR to starting the project, the online fair application must be created to do this
  • Begin and complete the project
  • Complete the ISEF forms
  • Upload the ISEF forms to the online fair application submission
  • Submit the completed fair application
  • The fair's safety review committee (SRC) approves the application
  • Participate in judging process
  • See what awards may be given at the award ceremony

The Registration Handbook has details on how to handle the fair application. A user account on this site is required to submit an application. 

An application can be created at any time but must be submitted prior to judging. It must be started and partially completed if a precertification review is desired. This is optional and is only needed if more than the default set of forms (1, 1a, and 1b) are needed. 

Getting Started

As noted above, you need to decide on a project. You will also need a user account on this site. The account is needed to submit an application. You need to create and submit an application to participate in the fair. You can create the account and application at any time but must complete and submit the application prior to registration closing. 

The ISEF forms provide necessary information for the fair and judges. They also detail the safety precautions and preparations regarding your project as well as the adult oversight involved. There are three forms required for all projects (1, 1a, 1b). These include details about you, where and when you did your projects, etc. The additional forms may be required depending upon what type of project you do such as whether people, animals or biological agents were involved. There are specific forms for each. The Rules Wizard will help determine which are required and this must be done BEFORE you start your project. 


Projects must be registered to be considered for judging. See the Registration Handbook for details. 

One of the things you will need to determine is which category your project will be judged under. A list of categories is provided for each event. Contact us if you have questions.


The judging process may be either online or in-person. See the event details to determine which one will be used for that event. Online judging interviews are done via video conferencing. In-person events require a presentation board which you will set up and judges will interview you there. The event details will include all scheduling times and dates.

Judges will have access to the project details in your fair application. You should make these as complete as possible as. Judges will review what you provide prior to an interview. 
