Seconds to Safety

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 Name:Arjun Afiniwala 

Due date: 11/7/23 

What is the question to be investigated? Can the use of cleaning supplies help support the 5 second rule? What is your research? (this should be the paraphrased research from your research document and should be 1 or 2 cohesive paragraphs with correct spelling & grammar). Include an engineering goal if applicable.

 For the researchers' five second rule and disinfectant experiment, the experimenters' research found that an unopened box of donuts is the best food to drop on the floor due to its slightly acidic pH (Channahai Paragraph 1) which attracts bacteria (fdcas paragraph 1). It is best to let bacteria sit on the agar plates for 5 days for peak condition of bacterial growth. (Study paragraph 2). To count the bacterial colonies plain eye is best to see the colony counts. After this, the experimenter will analyze the data they have collected, and approve or disprove the hypothesis. I think that the 5 second rule will not be scientifically proven and the amount of bacteria for a non-disinfectant treatment would be very high (MaCallum paragraphs 16, 21) . 

What is the hypothesis? (Use an “If…then…” statement ) 

If the food is put on the ground for only 5 seconds and Clorox is sprayed on the location it is dropped on, then the amount of bacterial colonies will be significantly less then other disinfectants. 

What is the independent variable? Time and disinfectant 

What is the dependent variable? 

# of bacterial colonies 

What are the levels of the I.V. to be tested? 

Time and disinfectant treatment

Disinfectants: list here

 • Lysol

 • Clorox 

• Pine Sol 

• Home disinfectant treatment 

• No treatment 

How many replicates of each level will be tested? 

3 replicates of 10 levels (5 times stamps, 5 treatments) 

What are the constants in the experiment? 

Time rested on the agar plates, location, sterilized swabs, the app used to count the amount of bacterial colonies which are sealed in the same type of agar plates, same food being tested. 

What will be the control group? 

0 seconds on the floor 

What kinds of materials are needed to run the experiment? 

• Agar Plates • Sterilized Cotton Swabs • Donuts• Human eye, Timer • Disinfectants (homemade or purchased) • Lysol • Clorox • Pine Sol • No treatment • Homemade disinficent 

What kind of location or setting is needed to run the experiment? 

An open- spaced and secure environment, inside would be the most ideal, either on a floor or counter. 

Risk and Safety: Identify any potential risks and safety precautions needed. 

• Spraying chemicals into eyes: wear goggles • Chance of being contaminated by bacteria: wear protective clothing and gloves 

Describe the procedure for the experiment. This must be numbered step by step details. Do NOT use paragraph format. (use additional paper if needed) 

1. Make the home disinfectant using ½ cup of vinegar, and 3 lemon rinds mixed together. Let that sit outside in an air sealed container for 24 hrs, strain out lemon rinds, and mix in some water on top, transfer to a spray bottle, keep ready. 2. Label agar plates list labels and numbers. Describe in detail the number of plates and labels. 3. Keep sterilized cotton swabs open on the side ready for use 4. Wipe down the floor with dry paper towel to get rid of dust or crumbs 5. Take the 1st donut and swab the bottom part of it, then rub the swab on the 1st labeled plate named control agar plates (this is the control group) 6. Cover plate and store on tray 7. Repeat step 5 and 6 for 2 more times 8. Now drop a new donut piece on the floor for 5 seconds with no treatment, 3 times. Repeat the steps for the 5 second interval with Pine Sol, Clorox, Lysol, and the Homemade Disinfectant treatments. Repeat all 5 of these treatments 3 times for the following time stamps 10, 15, 30, and 60 seconds. Note, for each disinfectant, use a different part of the floor to avoid cross contamination. (spray each substance on different parts of the floor so chemicals do not mix) 9. Once step 7 is done, set a timer for 3-5 days to let the sample rest on the agar plates. 10.  After 3-5 days, use regular eye to count the bacterial colonies on each plate. 11. Record & Analyze Data. 12. dispose off all agar plates using 1 tbsp of household bleach to a ziploc bag with each agar plate, then let the mixture sit.

Data Analysis: 

Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results. 

1. After I find the number of bacterial colonies for all the tests I will make a data table and jot down my data 2. Mean 3. Data table 4. I will then create a graph with the x axis as the time and y as the # of colonies, I would have 5 lines representing my different treatments. Signature_____________Swara Afiniwala _________________ Date 11/16/23____________________________ Teacher Signature _____________________________ Date __11/16/23__________________________ **No experimentation may be started until all signatures are obtained

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