The effects of external variables on the likelihood of athletes to report concussion symptoms Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, APA Outstanding Research, First Place
Evaluating the Extent to which Social Media Affects the Lifestyle Decisions of Millennials and Gen Z'ers |
How Does the Brain See the World - Decoding Visual Stimulus Using fMRI Awards: Honorable Mention
Early Detection of Mental Disorder via Social Media Posts Using Deep Learning Models Awards: Second Place
RARE: Machine Learning Approach for Binning Rare Variant Features to Detect Association with Disease Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, First Place, Grand Prize
DeepLPI: a novel deep learning-based model for protein-ligand interaction prediction for drug repurposing |
Seeing More Clearly: A Video Stabilizer using CNN with Speeded-up Robust features |
Auto Attendance: A Mobile App for Automatic Attendance Taking and Rapid Contact Tracing Awards: Third Place
Study on the Denoising of Sounds and Images |
Training Neural Networks with a Genetic Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance in Simulated Autonomous Drones Awards: Naval Science Award, Second Place
High Accuracy Seasonal Hurricane Intensity Prediction Using Outgoing Longwave Radiation Maps Awards: NASA Earth System Science Award, NOAA's "Taking the Pulse of the Planet" Award, RICOH Sustainable Development Award, Second Place
Analysis of semantics and early linguistic symptoms to develop machine learning predictive modeling of Alzheimer's Disease Awards: Honorable Mention
Design and review on applying the neural network to the abandoned bike report system |
Innovative Climate Change Emissions Reduction: Flettner Vortex Scrubber with Active Seakeeping Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, Naval Science Award, First Place, First runner up
ENG1 |
An adaptive grabber with the ability to actively switch between accurate grabbing and compliant grabbing Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, Second Place
ENG2 |
Desalination and Purification of Water using a Solar Powered Hydrogel Multistage Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, NJ Water Environment Association (NJWEA), Stockholm Junior Water Prize, First Place, Second runner up
ENG3 |
Utilizing Color Sensors and Urinary Collection Bags as a Warning System for Hematuria Awards: Honorable Mention
ENV1 |
Mechanism to Test Soil Fertility and Moisture in Small- and Family Owned-Farms Awards: Second Place
ENV2 |
Increasing Efficiency of Personal Gas Conversion System for Rural Homes Awards: Honorable Mention
ENV3 |
Using Mathematical Modeling Tackling the Drought |
ENV5 |
Conversion of Atmospheric CO2 to Solid Carbon: A Climate Change Mitigation Strategy Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, Stockholm Junior Water Prize, First Place
ENV6 |
Modeling and Mitigating Infection Risks of COVID-19 in Aircraft Cabins Awards: Third Place
A Novel, Simple, Accurate Method For Experimental Determination of Thermal Diffusivity: Measure 9 Types of Foods Awards: Honorable Mention
Study on the Geometric Properties in the Cevasix Triangle Awards: Second Place, YSEA Science Fair Award
Non-existence of the Algorithm that can Obtain the Optimal Solution for a Few Given Options of Investment in Constructive Mathematics Awards: Third Place
MED1 |
A Computational Approach to Identify Small Molecules Interact with the Crystal Structure of Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 as Potential Therapeutics for Cancer Immunotherapy Awards: Third Place
MED10 |
Prophages present in Acinetobacter pittii influence bacterial virulence, antibiotic resistance, and genomic structure Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, First Place, Second runner up, 1st Place
MED10 |
Treating Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Using HLA Class I Molecule Deficient Anti CD19 CAR-NK Cells Awards: Honorable Mention
MED2 |
Drug Repositioning Ketamine as a New Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Using Text Mining Awards: Honorable Mention
MED3 |
Gene Network Analysis of DIO2 and Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy Awards: Honorable Mention
MED4 |
Imbalances in Copper or Zinc Trigger Further Trace Metal Dyshomeostasis in Amyloid-Beta Producing Caenorhabditis elegans Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, Earle S. Rommel Communications Award, First Place
MED6 |
Safe Distance of Viruses - Quantitative Analysis the Trajectory of Pathogen Containing Droplets in Respiratory Airways Awards: Third Place
MED7 |
Role of Cancer Associated Fibroblast Heterogeneity on Immunotherapuetic Potentials of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Awards: Second Place
MED8 |
GlioBLAST: Establishing Prognosis and Targeted Therapy for Glioblastoma by Applying Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Histological Features, Molecular Subtypes, MGMT Methylation, and EGFR Amplification from Brain-Biopsy Whole-Slide Images Awards: Air Force Research Laboratory Award, First Place
MED9 |
Toxicological Assessment of Medicinal Herbs to Identify Adverse Effects on Eukaryotic Cells Awards: Second Place